Healthcare Professionals
Source Control Through Rapid Extracorporeal Blood Filtration of Pathogens
The Seraph 100:
- Reduces COVID-19 through pathogen adsorption
Surface chemistry mimics the endothelium’s pathogen binding qualities
Must-Read Publications:
Seraph 100 in the Field
Seraph 100 Microbind Affinity Blood Filter Technology
Seraph 100 is being used in hospitals across the United States, including several military hospitals. Several hospitals have presented their findings:
Brooke Army Medical Center: Single-Center Experience With the Seraph 100 in Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Septic Shock at a Military Treatment Facility
Walter Reed Medical Center: Treatment for Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 With the Seraph-100 Microbind Affinity Blood Filter
Brooke Army Medical Center: USU COVID – 19 Clinical Performance Improvement Conference #19 Severe ARDS secondary to COVID Pneumonia
Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center: USU COVID – 19 Clinical Performance Improvement Conference #19 Seraph 100 Case Reports
Providers Using Seraph 100
in the United States
For guidance on the use of Seraph 100 on COVID-19 patients, please follow the links below:
MM0003 Rev C